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FULL Vespro della Beata Vergine Innsbruck 2022 Anastasia Terranova, Marta Redaelli, Andrea Gavagnin, Enrico Torre

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Südtirol in concert  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO


00:00 Praeambulum: Girolamo Frescobaldi – Toccata avanti la Messa della Madonna (Fiori musicali, 1635)

01:14 Intonation: Deus in adjutorium (choraliter)
01:22 Responsorium breve: Domine ad adjuvandum

03:15 Intonation: Giovanni Gabrieli: Intonazione del nono tono
03:55 Antiphon: Nativitas gloriosae Virginis Mariae (choraliter)
04:50 PSALMUS: Dixit Dominus
12:06 CONCERTO: Nigra sum

16:41 Antiphon: Nativitas est hodie (choraliter)
15:59 Intonation: Giovanni Gabrieli: Intonazione del duodecimo tono
16:41 Antiphon: Nativitas est hodie (choraliter)
17:17 PSALMUS: Laudate pueri
23:27 CONCERTO: Pulchra es

27:44 Intonation: Giovanni Gabrieli: Intonazione del secondo tono
28:14 Antiphon: Regali ex progenie (choraliter)
29:12 PSALMUS: Laetatus sum
35:53 CONCERTO: Duo Seraphim

43:30 Intonation: Giovanni Gabrieli: Intonazione del sesto tono
44:06 Antiphon: Corde et animo (choraliter)
45:00 PSALMUS: Nisi Dominus
50:05 CONCERTO: Audi coelum

01:00:09 Intonation: Giovanni Gabrieli: Intonazione del ottavo tono
01:00:45 Antiphon: Cum jucunditate (choraliter)
01:01:27 PSALMUS: Lauda Jerusalem

01:05:32 Sonata sopra Sancta Maria

01:12:05 Capitulum: Ab initio et ante saecula (choraliter)
01:12:36 HYMNUS: Ave maris stella

01:19:58 Versikel: Nativitas est hodie Sanctae Mariae Virginis (choraliter)
01:20:12 Responsum: Cujus vita inclita cunctas illustrat ecclesias (choraliter)

01:21:00 Antiphon: Hodie egressa est (choraliter)
01:20:29 Intonation: Giovanni Gabrieli: Intonazione del undicesimo tono
01:22:58 CANTICUM: Magnificat

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