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FULL VENTRIS TUI (De Luca) Naples 2023 Raffaella Ambrosino

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: associazione_domenico scarlatti  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

April 8, 2023, in the splendid setting of the Church of San Francesco delle Monache, now known as Domus ARS, the opera “Ventris Tui” by Monsignor Doriano Vincenzo De Luca was staged, a moving meditation on the figure of the Virgin Mary in the act of Passion, of passage, of transition.
The magical interpretation of Raffaella Ambrosino, who also proved to be a very good actress and director, made this emotional moment experienced by the spectators present and by all the musicians and workers of the Domus ARS possible. Her interpretations of Aus Liebe from the Passion according to Matthew by J.S. Bach and Disserratevi abissi by Antonio Cesti were masterful.
The most intense moment was with Alma redemptoris Mater by Hilegard von Bingen, a mystical and multifaceted figure of the medieval Church, in which Raffaella Ambrosino showed all the experience she gained at the Pontifical Ambrosian Institute of Sacred Music, the oldest in Europe, where she wrote Gregorian psalms for the Milan Cathedral, and her uncommon vocal qualities that place her at the top of international singing.
The stage action ended with a Cherubino played by the young Andrea Ambrosino with a penetrating and angelic voice who magnificently interpreted Komm, süßer Tod by J.S. Bach.
An intense interpretation by an extraordinary Patrizio Rispo, beautiful choreography by Imma Cardano played by the dancer Flavio Altieri in the role of Christ, and costumes by Giovanna Panico who were able to interpret the change in the spiritual states of the Virgin Mary well.
Bravo to the Soloists of the Naples Chamber Orchestra: Edoardo Ottaiano flute, Vera Anastasi violin, Vezio Jorio viola, Raffaele Sorrentino cello and Angelo Trancone organs and harpsichord who, directed by Maestro Enzo Amato, performed musical adaptations by Riccardo Iozzia Ambrosino.
Thanks to Bruno De Luca for the scenography and Luca Petrucci for the photos.
Production Il Canto di Virgilio

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