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Popular Singers in this Opera Recording

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: ORF  
  • TV Director: Karina Fibich  
  • Date Published: 2011  
  • Format: Broadcast
  • Quality Video: 3 Audio:3
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: ok     FULL VIDEO

In just a few days, on January 15th 2011, the tireless singer and audience favourite Plácido Domingo will be celebrating a premiere at the Theater an der Wien with Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “I due Foscari”: He has never played the role of the Venetian Doge Francesco Foscari in Vienna before, but has only sung it in Los Angeles and Valencia, Spain.

With a focus on his Austrian performances, the documentary “Immortal Plácido” by Karina Fibich, which will be shown as part of the “matinee” on Sunday, January 12th, 2014, at 9:05 a.m. on ORF 2, reviews many of the highlights of Plácido Domingo’s unique career.

Plácido Domingo has always moved his Austrian audience to storms of enthusiasm, something hardly any other artist has ever managed. Domingo has taken part in countless, unforgettable recordings and opera recordings and has often worked as a conductor. He even tried directing, but soon discovered that he enjoyed being an opera director much more than his life as a singer. His repertoire extends far beyond the Italian and French repertoire, and in recent years the sought-after tenor has repeatedly made successful forays into major baritone roles. Domingo has a particularly close relationship with Vienna, an important city in his career. He is an honorary member of the Vienna State Opera and opened the Theater an der Wien as a new opera house in January 2006 with his conducting. In addition to a biographical outline and many very personal statements, Plácido Domingo can be admired in a cross-section of his best roles.

Quoted from OTS

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