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FULL UKSUS (Erling Wold) San Francisco 2015 Duncan Wold, Laura Bohn, Nikola Printz

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Erling Wold  
  • Date Published: 2015  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, ensubs, gensubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Daniil Kharms and his OBERIU friends were born during the time of the Tsars, fancied themselves aristocrats, true individual artists following in the footsteps of Kazimir Malevich and other troublemaker artists, were caught up in the rise of the proletariat, and died during the time of Stalin and the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, swallowed by the general horrors of the time that swallowed up so many. During those horrors, while living in abject fear and panic, they laughed and laughed and laughed, loved wordplay and nonsense, rejoiced in absurdity, and held onto that love and joy and laughter to very end, to their ambiguous deaths in custody of The State, the secret police, the NKVD. And so we hope that we, now, living in our own time of horror, among those who impose their piggish and tinpot will on others, can find our own place of exultation, our own reason for continuing in this life, and finally our own triumph over all that works to contain us.

box 0: Winter ’42, in which Pushkin is attacked and robbed.
box 1: Nadeždinskaja, 11, in which Fefjulka and Pushkin dream of happiness together.
box 2: Three left-hand hours, in which we see played before us the appearance of the OBERIU in the Leningrad House of the Press.
box 3: Defeatist Propaganda, in which occurs the arrest and the interrogation of Pushkin.

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