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FULL THUNDERSTORM (Mo Fan) Shanghai 2006 Gao Manhua, Zhou Ping, Wei Song

Video Recording from: vk     FULL VIDEO     Qries

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  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 1 Audio:3
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: vk     FULL VIDEO
The opera “Thunderstorm” is adapted from Mr.
Cao Yu ‘s play of the same name, telling the tragic story of an old Chinese feudal family.
The story takes place within one day, and the first scene is a sultry daytime before a thunderstorm. Half asleep and half awake, Fanyi indulges in the memory of meeting and falling in love with Zhou Ping, but is cursed by the secular world. Zhou Puyuan, the head of the family, does not love Fanyi, and forces her to drink medicine and torture her mentally. Zhou Puyuan still misses his ex-wife, Zhou Ping’s biological mother, Shi Ping. Zhou Ping also began to avoid Fanyi, and the young and beautiful maid Sifeng became his new spiritual support. At the same time, Fanyi’s biological son Zhou Chong also loves Sifeng passionately. Fanyi dismissed Sifeng, and Lu Ma came to pick up her daughter. At Zhou Mansion, Lu Ma met Zhou Puyuan, revealing a bloody and tearful love story thirty years ago. Lu Ma saw her biological son Zhou Ping, but she dared not recognize him. When leaving, the six people each had their own thoughts and reluctantly said goodbye. Fanyi kept Zhou Ping and tried hard to save the old relationship, but Zhou Ping was determined to find Sifeng, which made Fanyi heartbroken. At this time, there was a rumbling sound of thunder in the distance, and a thunderstorm was inevitably coming.
The second scene takes place on a thunderstorm night. Fanyi tracks Zhou Ping on a rainy night, only to find that Zhou Ping is having a tryst with Sifeng. She returns home in despair, but the innocent Zhou Chong expresses his longing for his ideal and his vague love for Sifeng to her, which hurts her heart even more. When Zhou Puyuan questioned her, Fanyi finally began to resist, which made Zhou Puyuan sigh helplessly. Fanyi waited for Zhou Ping to return, discarded her self-esteem, and begged him not to leave her. But Zhou Ping was determined to leave, so she resolutely broke up with him. The sad Fanyi wailed in the rain. Sifeng came to find Zhou Ping, and the two decided to elope, but Lu Ma, who followed them, stopped them. Sifeng confessed her love for Zhou Ping to her mother and revealed the truth about her pregnancy. The sky was struck by thunder, and facing the two children kneeling beside her, Lu Ma was heartbroken and let them go far away. Fanyi stopped them, locked the door, called Zhou Puyuan, and made trouble in Zhou’s house at night. In order to avenge her unfaithful lover, she accidentally uncovered the shocking secret of the Zhou family – Lu Ma is Shi Ping, and Zhou Ping and Si Feng are half-siblings. The rain is pouring down, the heart is bleeding, and the tragedy happened in the thunderstorm, shocking!
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