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FULL The Talismaaaaaaaaaaaaan (Trypani) Athens 2022

Video Recording from:     FULL VIDEO     Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by:  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, ensubs, othersubs  
  • Video Recording from:     FULL VIDEO

THE TALISMAAAAAAAAAAAAN –inspired by known Greek folk fairy tales– is set on the island of Paxi and tells the story of a fisherman who becomes rich thanks to a magic little fish that gets caught on his hook. Yet Fate has different plans for him…

The performance was the result of a nine-month-long educational programme of interdisciplinary artistic and pedagogical action of the same title that aspires to bring educators and primary school students of the Region of Attica in contact with the magical world of music theatre through contemporary and innovative tools. This year, the programme was realised for a second consecutive year in collaboration with thirteen primary schools, including the Special Primary School of Penteli.

The interactive musical fairy tale was presented with the participation of fourteen teachers, five acclaimed musicians and more than two hundred students, offering an unforgettable viewing and listening experience, during which audience members had the unique chance to work together with the young and older performers and to become an active part of the performance itself.

THE TALISMAAAAAAAAAAAAN is a “new-old” musical fairy tale set on the island of Paxi and based on characters, scenes and symbols taken out of known traditional Greek fairy tales. It tells the story of a fisherman who becomes rich thanks to a magic little fish that gets caught on his hook. Yet the fisherman’s Fate, envious of the riches he so suddenly acquired, turns his only daughter into a Lamia (female vampire), casting an evil spell on her. The spell is hidden in a talisman Fate puts around her neck the minute she is born. The only one who manages to get off the Lamia’s hook –and the only one who can ultimately help his sister, parents and siblings, breaking the spell– is the fisherman’s third and youngest son, who returns to his village for the final confrontation with the Lamia, having old and new friends on his side as allies. – Dimitra Trypani

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