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THE SPIRITUAL FOREST or Selva morale e spirituale (Monteverdi) Sydney 2022 Chloe Lankshear, Amy Moore, Anna Fraser

Video Recording from: Pinchgut Opera Hone     FULL VIDEO

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Pinchgut Opera  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: Pinchgut Opera Hone     FULL VIDEO

The Spiritual Forest is drawn from Monteverdi’s Selva morale e spirituale (1641), his great anthology of liturgical works composed during his career in Venice.

It was to be the last collection of Monteverdi’s music published in his lifetime, and represents the final flowering of his great genius.

These uniquely inspired works confirmed Monteverdi as the leading composer of his generation, exemplifying his consummate compositional prowess and his ability to put into music the deepest of human emotions

Selva morale e spirituale (SV 252–288) is the short title of a collection of sacred music by the Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi, published in Venice in 1640 and 1641. The title translates to “Moral and Spiritual Forest”. The full title is: “Selva / Morale e Spirituale / di Clavdio Monteverde / Maestro di Capella della Serenissima / Republica Di Venetia / Dedicata / alla Sacra Cesarea Maesta dell’ Imperatrice / Eleonora / Gonzaga / Con Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio. / In Venetia M DC X X X X / Appresso Bartolomeo Magni”.

Selva morale e spirituale was Monteverdi’s “most significant anthology of liturgical works since the Vespers in 1610”. The collection of various works in different instrumentation was published in Venice in 1640 and 1641. While the 1610 publication summarizes Monteverdi’s sacred works written for Vincenzo Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, Selva morale e spirituale presents works composed at San Marco, Venice, where Monteverdi had served since 1613. The collection was dedicated to Eleonora Gonzaga and published by Bartolomeo Magni. The date in the original title is 1640, but the process of publishing lasted until 1641. The edition is considered Monteverdi’s testament of church music, compiled when he was already 74 years old.

Quoted from Wikipedia

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