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THE FOX SISTERS (Marc Migó) Barcelona 2022 OH!PERA

Video Recording from: Liceu+     FULL VIDEO

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Liceu+  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, ensubs  
  • Video Recording from: Liceu+     FULL VIDEO

The Fox Sisters, by the young composer Marc Migó and libretto by the North American Lila Palmer , presented a scenic work in the traditional sense and impeccable dramatic construction. From the beginning, the text reveals the obscure motives behind each of the characters and, without being revolutionary, manages to captivate through the use of the protagonists’ last names almost as a Leitmotif, in addition to allowing the construction of narrative climaxes alongside the musicals, another of the successes of the work.

In turn, Marc Migó showed his fabulous ability to characterize emotional states and create atmospheres (a talent that he already exhibited in his piece for piano and orchestra Piano Concertino ) and that he could drink so much from Britten (impossible not to think of The Turn of the Screw , opera which showed how well they combine the genre with gothic horror stories) as well as the music of Bernard Herrmann. Migó knows how to jump from scene to scene while maintaining musical consistency, using each element as part of a logical chain and being capable of differentiating between structure and ornamentation. Full of vocal and musical games, The Fox Sisters could not have been a success without a cast to match: the soprano Natalia Sánchez stands out, capable of overcoming the many resources required by the score, together with some convincing Cristina Tena and Pau Camero .

Special mention to the also very successful direction of the director Irene Delgado-Jiménez and to the staging of Silvia Delagneau , with advice from Albert Arribas , who knew how to shape the work brilliantly. From the smallest details (Kate’s makeup, which served to show her eyes rolling when the singer closed her eyes) to character characterization (Godwin’s disturbed smile) and even character entrances and exits (Leah appearing for unexpected doors, omnipresent and controlling as Rebecca ‘s Ms. Danversby Hitchcock) to the dance of spirits, all the elements conspired to offer a little operatic gem in the small theater of the Liceu Conservatory. It is to be hoped that the creators will be able to produce The Fox Sisters again very soon and that they will also be able to delve into a larger-scale lyrical proposal.

Quoted from operaactual

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