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FULL STADSOPERA MARIA, Keizerin van Dordt (Pasticcio) Dordrecht 2022

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: RTV Dordrecht  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, othersubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

In the city opera MARIA empress van Dordt , more than a hundred residents of Drechtsteden tell the unique story of Empress Maria van Brabant, who received the city of Dordrecht as a wedding present 800 years ago. This marked the turning point in her life. She always depended on powerful men to rule her life. And now? Now she had the power to organize her own life. In the city opera MARIA empress van Dordt you experience the highs and lows of Maria’s life.

Out of sheer hunger for power, Mary was used as a pawn on her father’s chessboard. She was married off for the first time when she was eight, but this marriage was canceled just as hard. She eventually married an emperor and received the title empress. Maria was known as the party animal of Europe, the gambling debts of the emperor and empress ran so high that no one could pay them anymore. Emperor Otto died and again Maria was married off by her father. But was she happy? She had to do what her father ordered. When her second husband also dies, she no longer knows. She saddles her horse, leaves for an unknown destination and her life takes an unexpected turn in a swamp…

The city opera is performed by the Groot Film and Musical Orkest Timbres Divers, sung by soloists, choir and children’s choir, danced and performed by various groups of residents of Dordrecht who have united under the wings of Muziektheater Hollands Diep to collaborate with partners such as Big Rivers, Koorschool Dordrecht. , ToBe and Motorclub Contact Dordrecht, the celebration of Dordrecht 800 years city into something unforgettable!

City opera MARIA empress van Dordt is about a woman’s quest for an independent and meaningful existence.

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