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FULL STABAT MATER (Pergolesi) Cadiz 2023 Andrea Ramírez Ortegón, Bruno Campelo Muñiz

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  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
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  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

The Soloists of the Baroque Orchestra of Cádiz perform the “Stabat Mater” by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi at the closing concert of the Mariological Days 2023 organized by the Royal and Venerable Archconfraternity of Our Father Jesus of Ecce Homo, María Santísima de las Angustias and San Juan Evangelista on the occasion of the restoration to the cult of María Santísima de las Angustias.


1. Stabat Mater painful.
2. Cujus animam gementem.
3. O quam tristis.
4. Quae moerebat et dolebat.
5. Quis est homo.
6. Vidit suum dulcem natum.
7. Eja Mater fonds amoris.
8. Fac ut ardeat cor meum.
9. Sancta Mater istud agas.
10. Fac ut portem Christi mortem.
11. Inflammatus et accensus.
12. When corpus dietur. Amen.

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