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FULL Spirito d’amore Mozart Lviv 2023 Marianna Tsvetinska, Roman Strakhov, Oleh Lanovyi

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Lviv Philharmonic  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Symphony No. 23 in D-dur. I movement Allegro spiritoso K.181/162b
Aria “Lamerò, sarò costante” from the opera “The Shepherd King”. K. 208
Aria “Fin ch’han dal vino” from the opera “Don Giovanni”. KV 527
Adagio for violin and orchestra in E-dur, K. 261
Duet “La ci darem la mano” from the opera Don Giovanni”, KV 527
Aria “Dalla sua pace” from the opera “Don Giovanni”. KV 527
Aria “In Uomini, in soldati” from the opera “Cosi fan tutte” K.588
Divertimento in D-dur, K. 136. I movement Allegro
Duet “Crudel! perché finora farmi languir così?” from “Le Nozze di Figaro”. K. 492
Aria “Hai gia vinto la causa?” from “Le Nozze di Figaro”. K. 492
Aria “Unaura amorosa” from the opera “Così fan tutte”, K.588
Aria “Donne mie, la fate a tanti” Così fan tutte, K.588
Rondo in C-dur, K. 373 for violin and orchestra
Aria “Deh, vieni alla finestra” from the opera “Don Giovanni”, KV 527
Duet “Pa-pa-pa-” from the opera “The Magic Flute”, K. 620
Piano Concerto No. 23 in A-dur, II movement. Adagio K. 488

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