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Solti Gala Budapest 2024 Hera Hyesang Park, Aigul Akhmetshina, Freddie De Tommaso, Paul Grant

Popular Singers in this Opera Recording

Video Recording from: STAGE+     FULL VIDEO

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: STAGE+  
  • Date Published: 2020  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: STAGE+     FULL VIDEO

R. Leoncavallo: Pagliacci – Overture | the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra
R. Leoncavallo: Pagliacci – “Si può?” – Tonio’s aria from Act 1 | Paul Grant
G. Rossini: La Cenerentola – “Nacqui all’affanno… Non più mesta” – Angelina’s aria from Act 2| Aigul Akhmetshina
G. Verdi: Otello – “Già nella notte densa”– Desdemona and Otello’s duet from Act 1 | Hera Hyesang Park
G. Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia – “Largo al factotum” – Figaro’s aria from Act 1 | Paul Grant
G. Puccini: Turandot – “Nessun dorma” – | Freddie De Tommaso

— interval —

J. Offenbach: Les contes d’Hoffmann – Barcarolle | Hera Hyesang Park, Aigul Akhmetshina
C. Saint-Saëns: Samson et Dalila – “Mon cœur s’ouvre à ta voix” – Delilah’s aria from Act 2 | Aigul Akhmetshina
A. Thomas: Hamlet – “Ô vin, dissipe la tristesse” – Hamlet’s aria from Act 2 | Paul Grant
P. Mascagni: Cavalleria rusticana – Intermezzo | the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra
G. Verdi: Otello – “Ave Maria” – Desdemona’s prayer from Act 4 | Hera Hyesang Park
G. Puccini: La bohème – “O, Mimì, tu più non torni” – Rodolfo’s aria from Act 4 | Freddie De Tommaso, Paul Grant
G. Bizet: Carmen – “C’est toi?… C’est moi” – Carmen and Don José’s final duet from Act 4 | Freddie De Tommaso, Aigul Akhmetshina

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