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SILENT SONGS Lieder von Silvestrov & Brahms Dortmund 2024 Konstentin Krimmel

Video Recording from: STAGE+     FULL VIDEO
Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: STAGE+  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: STAGE+     FULL VIDEO

The young baritone Konstantin Krimmel and the pianist Hélène Grimaud continue their critically acclaimed collaboration with this program, recorded in June 2024 at the Konzerthaus Dortmund. Together they have already produced two successful albums for Deutsche Grammophon. And it is precisely this repertoire that can be heard here: Brahms’ Lieder und Gesänge op. 32 – one of the composer’s most personal and thoughtful song collections – are juxtaposed with a selection of the evocative Stille Lieder by the Ukrainian composer Valentin Silvestrov, a composer whom Grimaud has supported for much of her career..


Lieder von Brahms und Silvestrov
1. Johannes Brahms: 9 Lieder und Gesänge, Op. 32
Wie rafft ich mich auf in der Nacht
Nicht mehr zu dir zu gehen
Ich schleich umher
Der Strom, der neben mir verrauschte
Wehe, so willst du mich wieder
Du sprichst, dass ich mich täuschte
Bitteres zu sagen denkst du
So stehn wir, ich und meine Weide
Wie bist du, meine Königin
2. Valentin Silvestrov: Stille Lieder (Auswahl)
Song Can Heal the Ailing Spirit
There Were Storms and Rainy Weather
La belle dame sans merci
O Melancholy Time!
Farewell, O World, Farewell, O Earth…
I Will Tell You with Complete Directness
Here’s a Health to Mary…
Winter Journey
The Isle
Autumn Song
Swamps and Marshes
Winter Evening
3. Johannes Brahms: 4 Gesänge, Op. 43:
Die Mainacht
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