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FULL SIEBEN FRÜHE LIEDER Gothenburg 2024 Flurina Stucki

Video Recording from: GSOPlay     FULL VIDEO     Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: GSOPLAY  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: GSOPlay     FULL VIDEO

The Seven Early Songs (Sieben frühe Lieder) (c. 1905 – 1908), are early compositions of Alban Berg, written while he was under the tutelage of Arnold Schoenberg. They are an interesting synthesis combining Berg’s heritage of pre-Schoenberg song writing with the rigour and undeniable influence of Schoenberg. The writing very much carries with it the heritage of Richard Strauss (although the influences of a number of other composers can be discerned – Robert Schumann, Gustav Mahler, and Hugo Wolf for example, as well as Claude Debussy’s harmonic palette in evidence in “Nacht”), through the expansiveness of gesture and ‘opening of new vistas,’ and that of Richard Wagner. The songs were first written for a medium voice and piano; the composer himself revised them in 1928 for high voice and orchestra.

The seven songs are:

Nacht (Night) – text by Carl Hauptmann
Schilflied (Song amid the reeds) – Nikolaus Lenau
Die Nachtigall (The nightingale) – Theodor Storm
Traumgekrönt (Crowned in dream) – Rainer Maria Rilke
Im Zimmer (Indoors) – Johannes Schlaf
Liebesode (Ode to Love) – Otto Erich Hartleben
Sommertage (Summer days) – Paul Hohenberg

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