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FULL Requiem in E-flat Minor (Józef Kozłowski) Singapore 2023 Olga Peretyatko, Olesya Petrova, Boris Stepanov, Christoph Seidl

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Symphony No. 25 in G Minor, K. 183

Józef Kozłowski, Requiem in E-flat Minor
I. Kyrie
II. Dies irae
III. Tuba mirum
IV. Iudex ergo
V. Confutatis maledictis
VI. Lacrimosa
VII. Domine Jesu Christe
VIII. Sanctus
IX. Benedictus
X. Agnus Dei
XI. Quia pius es
XII. Requiem aeternam

Józef Kozłowski Russian Осип (Иосиф) Антонович Козловский (born 1757 , died February 27 ? / March 11, 1831 in St. Petersburg ) – Polish musician, pianist and composer active in Russia . Grigory Potemkin ‘s protégé . He popularized the polonaise at the tsarist court. The author of Let the Song of Victory Rumble , one of Russia’s anthems, and the creator of Russian romance as a musical genre.

Son of Antoni Kozłowski. He came from a Polish landowner family ; according to Wincenty Babrowicz, he was born in the unlocated farm Kozłowicze near Sławograd (then Propojska ) in Rzeczyca County (today’s Belarus ) and as a 7-year-old boy, under the care of his uncle Wasyl Trutowski, a musician and collector of folk songs, he came to Warsaw , where he received basic education. musical education. Initially, he was a singer and then a soloist in the boys’ choir at the Collegiate Church of St. John the Baptist in Warsaw , where he later served as organist.

Around 1773, he became the music teacher of Michał Kleofas Ogiński and his siblings at the court in Guzów and Trakai . Around 1777, he was briefly a member of the band of voivode Józef Gabriel Stempkowski in Łabuń (Zasław County). In 1780 he went to Russia, where he met Prince Yuri Dolgorukov , who persuaded him to serve in the army and appointed him his adjutant during the Turkish War. In the years 1786–1796 he served in the Russian army as an officer and took part in the war with Turkey (1787–1792) . He attracted the attention of Prince Grigory Potemkin, who invited Kozlovsky to his court in 1790; from 1791 he lived in St. Petersburg, where he gained fame as the organizer of the musical part of the celebrations organized in 1791 by Potemkin in honor of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail (on the Danube ).

Thanks to Potemkin’s support, he became director of the tsarist theaters in St. Petersburg. After the protector’s death in October 1791, Kozłowski moved into the house of Lev Naryshkin, a former favorite of Empress Catherine II . He then became acquainted with Russian folklore and composed occasional music, becoming a valued artist in Russia. From 1799 he was a music inspector, and in the years 1803–1819 music director at the directorate of tsarist theaters. After an attack of paralysis in 1819, Kozłowski retired as a court counselor. In 1822–1823 he stayed in Poland , and from 1824 he lived again in St. Petersburg.

He wrote polonaises for orchestra, piano and music for several dramas . His overture to the tragedy Fingal is one of the most valuable works of this type in Polish musical literature. One of his polonaises was sung as the Russian national anthem (in 1791–1816); numerous masses and the famous Requiem in E flat minor, Op. 14 on the death of King Stanisław August Poniatowski .

Quoted from Wikipedia

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