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FULL Requiem for Auschwitz (Moreno-Rathgeb) Amsterdam 2012

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
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  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 3 Audio:3
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

The Swiss-Dutch Sinto composer, musician and arranger Roger Moreno-Rathgeb dedicated his “Requiem for Auschwitz” to all victims of the National Socialist regime. It was created under the impression of his personal visit to the former concentration camp Auschwitz. “Already, when I entered the area of Auschwitz, the first theme of the Requiem arose in my head” recalls the composer of the creation of the one-hour work, which then manifests itself as an expression of his individual “trauma of Auschwitz” and writer’s block that should extend over several years. The “Requiem for Auschwitz” uses the text template of the Latin Requiem Mass and sounds in an expressive musical language with distinct stylistic imprints in the music tradition of the Roma and Sinti. After its premiere in the Netherlands, it has seen performances in several major European cities including Krakow, Prague, Berlin, Budapest, Frankfurt, Dresden and Wiesbaden.

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