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FULL POLENBLUT (Nebdal) Mława 2024 Mikołaj Siemion, Aleksandra Mizeria, Michał Przetakowski

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Fotograf Cezary Lewandowski  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Polenblut is an operetta in three acts by Oskar Nedbal . The libretto was written by Leo Stein . It was based on the story Fräulein Bäuerin by Alexander Sergejewitsch Pushkin . The operetta was premiered on October 25, 1913 at the Carltheater in Vienna .

The operetta takes place in the Russian part of Poland at the beginning of the 20th century.

Act 1 – At a big ball in Warsaw

Count Boléslaw Baranski, known to his friends as Bolo, loves the cheerful side of life more than work. It is no wonder that he has run his large estate into the ground. At the moment he is thinking about the dancer Wanda Kwasinskaja, who is currently performing in Warsaw. But she is also only causing him costs. Bolo’s Polish friend Jan Zarémba is a completely different story. He knows how to keep his estate in good shape and increase his wealth. Jan Zarémba would be happy to help his friend, but this would require him to change his lifestyle. After all, he does not want to put his money into a bottomless pit.

Zarémba has a daughter who can – when the need arises – lend a hand. She is also very energetic, a true Polish. Zarémba is certain that if Bolo took her as his wife, she would drive the nonsense out of his head. Heléna, that is the girl’s name, would also be happy to marry Bolo, as she has had a crush on him for a long time.

Act 2 – On the estate of Count Baranski

When Zarémba offers Bolo the opportunity to marry his daughter and thus receive a generous dowry, he brusquely refuses. His wife must either be of noble birth like himself or have an artistic profession like Wanda Kwasinskaja. When Heléna hears how brusquely she has been rejected by her beloved, she seeks revenge. News is spreading in the village that Bolo’s housekeeper has resigned from her long-standing service because she has grown tired of his moods. Then Heléna has an idea: she allies herself with Bolo’s friend Bronio von Popiel and ensures that he recommends her to Bolo as his new housekeeper. So that her new boss does not recognize her, she disguises herself as a simple peasant girl named Marynia. Heléna, or rather Marynia, insists that her future master grants her the final say in all decisions concerning the running of the estate. Bolo is of course anything but happy about this. But he is up to his neck in debt and without a housekeeper he will have no way of getting out of his predicament. So he agrees.

A different wind is blowing on the estate. Bolo’s shady friends, who have only ever known how to exploit him, are the first to feel this. The housekeeper Marynia throws them out of the house. So that Bolo can no longer turn to alcohol, she hides him. He is torn about his new housekeeper. She fascinates and amazes him at the same time. When he notices that his estate is gradually improving, he discovers that he has fallen in love with her. He gradually forgets his former dissolute life and works from morning to night.

Act 3 – On the estate of Count Baranski

In autumn the harvest is brought in and it is plentiful. The maids and servants celebrate the harvest festival with joy. According to old custom, the lord of the manor must place the harvest crown on the head of one of his staff. It is not surprising that he has chosen his housekeeper Marynia for this task. At the same time he asks her to become his wife. Marynia confesses to him that she is actually Heléna Zarémba, whom he once rejected. Her original intention of taking revenge on him has now given way to love. Both feel that they complement each other perfectly.

Quoted from Wikipedia

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