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FULL Pavarotti at the Met New York 1978

Popular Singers in this Opera Recording

Video Recording from: ok     FULL VIDEO     Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Live from Lincoln Center  
  • Date Published: 1978  
  • Format: Broadcast
  • Quality Video: 3 Audio:3
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: ok     FULL VIDEO

Donizetti, “Una furtiva Lagrima”
Gluck, “Che farò senza Euridice”
Rossini, “La danza”
Beethoven, “In questa tomba oscura”
Bellini, “Vanne, o rosa fortunata”/”Vaga luna che inargenti”
Donizetti, “Me voglio fa ‘na casa”
Verdi, “Quando le sere al placido” & “L’ara o l’avello”


Liszt, “Two Sonnets of Petrarch” (No. 47/No. 104)
Donizetti, “Fra poco a me ricovero”
Tosti, Four Songs

Puccini, “E lucevan le stelle”
Leoncavallo, “Mattinata”
Puccini, “Nessun dorma”

Pretaped intermission interview with Pavarotti by Terry McEwen, Executive Vice-President of London Records.

Program Length: 1:58:48

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