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FULL ORFEO – A Rock Opera (Olga Weiner) Moscow 2021

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The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and the myth of the abduction of Persephone became one new story about choice, fate and love.

The history of the rock opera “Orpheus” began with Olga Weiner’s long-standing dream of creating her own musical. Olga already had a solo project in the rock music genre “Yasvena” behind her, in which she acted as a songwriter, vocalist and producer. Based on this experience, in 2018 Olga began work on the concept and plot of a new rock opera.

At first, Olga’s attention was drawn to the Greek myth of the abduction of Persephone: the idea of ​​the world’s first Winter and the salvation of the world through the union of two opposites – Persephone and Hades, life and death. The first drafts of the songs appeared. However, after a complete immersion in Greek mythology, the story of the famous singer and philosopher Orpheus seemed to Olga even more interesting. Then the idea arose to connect the two myths and send the hero to the realm of shadows for his beloved Eurydice at the very moment of the abduction of Persephone. And in the final story, the interweaving of the intrigues of the gods puts the world on the brink of disaster, and Orpheus himself faces a fateful choice.

Most of the songs and dialogues of the rock opera were written by Olga during the first year of work on the project, but recording the audio version took time. Olga also acted as a producer of the project: she invited artists to play roles, and entrusted the creation of arrangements for her songs to Andrei Lefler – the first part of the rock opera was recorded at his studio in 2020. After the presentation of the songs of the first act on the Internet, the rock opera Orpheus won the love of the public and easily entered the Gradsky Hall stage in the form of a concert version. Then there was work on the second act and a grandiose presentation of a concert production in 2022 in Vegas City Hall.

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