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Opera in the Park San Francisco 2024 Lianna Haroutounian, Judit Kutasi, Amartuvshin Enkhbat, John Relyea

Popular Singers in this Opera Recording

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Arnie Gubins  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Unknown
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • This Recording is NOT AVAILABLE from a proper commercial or public source

The concert features arias and duets from the operatic repertoire by composers including Bizet, Gounod, Meyerbeer, Mozart, Puccini, and Verdi along with selections from musical theater. The afternoon ends with an Opera in the Park tradition: an audience sing-along of Verdi’s famous “Libiamo,” the drinking song from La Traviata.

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