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FULL O Engenheiro (Rescala) Rio de Janeiro 2022 Paulo Maria, Sarah Salotto, Rômulo Nicolay, Erika Henriques

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: TV SUAT  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

CAST June 27
Iago Cirino (André Rebouças), Gabriela Meira (Princesa Isabel), Rafael Nascimento (Conde D’Eu), Júlia Rieira (Baronesa de Muritiba), Cristóbal Rioseco (Visconde da Penha), Dani Sardinha (Joaquina), Jessé Bueno (Francisco), Moisés Santos Ribeiro (Guarda do Palácio), Kássia Lima (Manoela e Vendedora Ambulante) e João Campelo (Vendedor Ambulante).

The contemporary opera “The Engineer”, created by Tim Rescala, is set on the day of the Proclamation of the Republic, in 1889, and portrays the last day of the Empire in Brazil. The show will have performances at the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, on June 24th; at the UFRJ School of Music, on the 25th, 26th and 27th; at Teatro Santa Cecília, in Petrópolis, on June 30th, and at Cine-Theatro Central in Juiz de Fora, on July 2nd. The exhibitions have free entry, upon collection of tickets at the box office of the spaces.

The work has musical direction by Inácio de Nonno, scenic direction by José Henrique Moreira and movement direction by Marcellus Ferreira. The show features the participation of the UFRJ Symphony Orchestra, conducted by André Cardoso, Diana Sosa and Rafael de Miranda. The general direction is by professors Andrea Adour, Homero Velho and Lenine Santos.

The plot addresses the trajectory of engineer André Rebouças (1838-1898), his closeness to the Royal Family and his behind-the-scenes activities on the emblematic November 15th, focusing on the engineer’s view of slavery, his troubled reactions to the event and even his exile.

The work was commissioned from the author as part of the Opera Academy, one of the actions of the National System of Social Orchestras (Sinos). The assembly is an initiative of the Ópera Project at UFRJ, which encompasses the School of Music, School of Communication and Fine Arts and the Science and Culture Forum. Sinos is part of the Arte de Toda Gente program, a partnership between the National Arts Foundation – Funarte and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), curated by the educational institution’s School of Music.

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