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FULL O Basculho de Chaminé (Marcos Portugal) Santo André 2015 Alexandre Galante, Camilo Calandreli, Lilian Giovanini

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Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: OSSA | Orquestra Sinfônica de Santo André  
  • Date Published: 2017  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from:     FULL VIDEO

Marcos António da Fonseca Portugal (24 March 1762 – 17 February 1830), known as Marcos Portugal, or Marco Portogallo, was a Portuguese-born Brazilian classical composer, who achieved great international fame for his operas.

“O Basculho de Chaminé” by Marcos Portugal premiered in 1794, in its original form, in Venice, Italy, with the title “ Lo spazzacamino principe” . The following year it was represented in Lisbon, with the original libretto by Giuseppe Maria Foppa adapted to Portuguese. As a typical title of buffa opera at the end of the 18th century, it is a comedy of manners, with the characteristic imbroglios of the genre, with characters that establish a clear relationship with the commedia dell’arteitalian. The Baron of Monte Albor is suspicious of Flora’s fidelity and the loyalty of her servants. To take the test, the Baron plots with Pieroto, the chimney sweep, to switch identities. Pieroto, in turn, takes advantage of the situation to enjoy the privileges of the Baron’s life, thus creating countless comic situations.

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