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FULL MUSIC OF OUR TIME – Vocal concert Moscow 2023 Olga Seliverstova, Polina Shamaeva, Konstantin Suchkov, Ekaterina Semenova

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Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Format: DVD
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

0:06:20 – Alexander Navoets “Spring”, lyrics by V. Skripkin / Alexander Navoets “Spring”. Lyrics by V. Skripkin
Performed by Polina Shabunina (soprano) and Yuan Sai (tenor) / Polina Shabunina, soprano and Yuan Sai, tenor

0:17:00 – Emmanuel Dubois – Vocal cycle “Love Traps” / Emmanuel Dubois – Vocal cycle “”
1. Lost love (words by Paul Verlaine) / Lost Love
2. Innocent Love (words by Arthur Rimbaud) / Innocent Love
3. Love in marriage (words by Jean de La Fontaine) / Married Love
Performed by Yulia Petrachuk (soprano) / Yulia Petrachuk, soprano

0:33:25 – Huang Yongxi “Memories Song” Lyr. Mao Yu
0:38:05 – Huang Zi “Homesickness” Lyr.Wei Hanzhang
0:40:38 – Huang Zi “Three wishes of a rose” Lyr. by Dragon Seven (Long Yusheng)
0:43:00 – Huang Zi “Stepping on the snow and looking for plums” Lyr. by Liu Xuean
Performed by Sai Yuan, tenor

0:46:03 – Anna Krymskaya
Vocal cycle on verses by Fyodor Tyutchev
1. Tears – 46:03
2. Predestination – 48:00
3. Over the grape hills – 49:38
4. Last love – 52:55
5. Silentium – 55:58
Performed by Ekaterina Semenova, soprano / Ekaterina Semenova, soprano

1:05:39 – Vladimir Agopov – Vocal cycle “4 songs on poems by William Blake” / Vladimir Agopov – Vocal cycle “4 songs on poems by William Blake”
1:19:05 – Vladimir Agopov “Road song” poems by Anna Akhmatova
Performed by Honored Artist of Russia, Bolshoi Theater soloist Alexandra Durseneva (mezzo-soprano) / Alexandra Durseneva, mezzo-soprano

Polina Nazaikinskaya / Polina Nazaikinskaya
1:22:10 – “Not in an earthly prison” from the vocal cycle on the poems of Alexander Blok
1:26:36 – Corinne’s first aria “Fairy snow, fairy snow…” on the poem by Sara Teasdale
Performed by Polina Shabunina, soprano / Polina Shabunina, soprano

1:33:17 – Murad Kajlayev “Talisman” / Murad Kajlayev “Talisman”
Performed by Alexander Vodopyanov, baritone / Alexander Vodopyanov, baritone

1:39:10 – Boris Tselkovnikov
From the vocal cycle “An Evening of Partings” on the poems by Anna Akhmatova
1. An Evening of Partings – 1:39:10
2. I’m sorry – 1:40:36
3. First Ray / First Ray – 1:44:20
Performed by Ksenia Dudnikova, mezzo-soprano / Ksenia Dudnikova, mezzo-soprano

1:52:18 – Igor Kholopov / Igor Kholopov
“Triptych for women’s choir and piano” on verses by German Vlasov / “Triptych for women’s choir and piano” on verses by German Vlasov
1. Barcarolle / Barcarolle – 1:52:18
2. Waltz-musette / Waltz-musette – 1:55:35
3. Scherzo / Scherzo – 1:58:55

Efrem Podgaits / Efrem Podgaits
2:05:02 – “The whole world is dear to me” lyrics by Valery Bryusov / “The whole world is dear to me” lyr. by Valery Bryusov
2:09:38 – “Laughers” / “laughers”
Performed by the Students Choir of the GMPI named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov. Head – Elena Bessonova / State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov students Choir. Director – Elena Bessonova

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