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FULL MORO PER AMORE (Stradella) Genoa 1993 Riccardo Ristori, Rosita Frisani, Livia Mondini, Marco Lazzara

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Broadcast
  • Quality Video: 2 Audio:2
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Moro per amore is a comedic opera by the Italian composer Alessandro Stradella from 1681, written to a libretto by the last Duke of Bracciano , Flavio Orsini . There is no evidence of a contemporary performance. Orsini published the libretto in Rome in 1696.

The title has a double meaning in Italian: “I die for love” and “Moor for love”.

Synopsis After her father’s death, Eurinda becomes Queen of Sicily. The nurse Lindora and the chancellor Rodrigo try to persuade her to get married. The ambassador Filandro unsuccessfully advertises for his master, the King of Naples, as a bridegroom. Floridoro, son of the King of Cyprus, hears of Eurinda’s beauty and falls in love with her; However, the royal families of Sicily and Cyprus are enemies, so he travels to Eurinda’s court disguised as a Moor under the name Feraspe, as a servant of Filandro. In order to gain the wet nurse’s favor, Floridoro flirts with her, but is observed by Eurinda, who, for the wet nurse’s sake, asks Filandro for her own services.

In the second act, Eurinda falls in love with Floridoro, but pushes her feelings aside due to the different status of queen and Moor. Floridoro’s servant Fiorino falls in love with Lindora. Lucinda, a princess at court, also falls in love with Floridoro. The envoy Filandro, in turn, falls in love with Lucinda. Out of disappointment and jealousy, Lucinda does not begrudge Eurinda her happiness and gives the Moor Floridoro what is supposed to be a letter from the queen to her chancellor, who is now waiting in a distant camp for the enemy Cypriot fleet to approach. So Floridoro leaves the queen.

The third act begins with Rodrigo reporting that Floridoro has been captured by pirates. The three women mourn their loss. However, Lindora soon consoles herself with Fiorino. The pirates, however, recognized Floridoro as the king’s son and he returns to Sicily, undisguised, at the head of his army, and three happy couples emerge.


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