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FULL MIKHAIL GLINKA CONCERT Tomsk 2024 Ekaterina Clemens, Denis Dorofeev. Irina Makarova, Yulia Shinkevich

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Tomsk State Philharmony  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

In a programme:
Glinka. Ratmir’s aria from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”
Glinka, Pushkin. “I’m here, Inesilla”
Glinka, Goethe. “Margarita’s Song”
Glinka, Puppeteer. “Lark”
Glinka, Pushkin. “Adele”
Glinka, Rostopchina. “North Star”
Glinka. Aria of Ivan Susanin from the opera “Ivan Susanin”
Glinka, Puppeteer. “A Passing Song”
Glinka, Puppeteer. “Doubts”
Glinka, von Zedlitz in trans. V. Zhukovsky. “Night View”
Glinka. Cavatina and Rondo Antonida from the opera “Ivan Susanin”
Glinka, Mitskevich. “To her”
Glinka, Baratynsky. “Don’t tempt”
Glinka. Lyudmila’s Cavatina from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”
Glinka, Rostopchina. “The bird cherry will bloom”
Glinka, Pushkin. “I remember a wonderful moment”
Glinka, Pushkin. “The fire of desire burns in the blood”
Glinka, Baratynsky. “Don’t tempt”
Glinka. “Glory” – from the opera “Ivan Susanin”

For Russia, Mikhail Glinka is the gold standard of national music and the beginning of all beginnings.

A nobleman born near Smolensk, Glinka from infancy absorbed the beauty of the nature of the Central Russian strip. Along with the love for nature, a love for Russian song was born. She will become a tuning fork for him when he begins to create the first Russian opera, “A Life for the Tsar.” But the composer began with chamber instrumental plays and romances. Immediately after graduating from boarding school, he wrote variations for harp and piano. Romances to the poems of Pushkin and Baratynsky “Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me” and “Don’t tempt me unnecessarily” also belong to the early period of creativity. In the upcoming concert, the romance “Don’t Tempt” will be performed as a duet by Tomsk Philharmonic soloists Ekaterina Clemens (soprano) and Denis Dorofeev (tenor).

The best poets, composers, artists and diplomats in Russia formed the circle of acquaintances of the young Glinka. At various times he was acquainted with V. Zhukovsky, A. Delvig, A. Griboyedov, N. Kukolnik, K. Bryullov, Countess E. Rostopchina. Glinka and Pushkin had a special relationship. In the film “The Composer Glinka” (1952), the recognized first poet of Russia goes to listen to Russian music, which Glinka performs for the first time in a high-society salon.

In the “music salon,” into which the Philharmonic Organ Hall will be transformed by musicologist Vera Timofeeva, piano pieces, romances and arias from the operas “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and “A Life for the Tsar” will be performed. The romances “I am here, Inezilya”, “Adele”, “I remember a wonderful moment”, “The fire of desire burns in the blood” based on Pushkin’s poems will be performed by Irina Makarova (soprano), Yulia Shinkevich (soprano) and Denis Dorofeev (tenor). Irina Makarova will also sing Ratmir’s aria from “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, and Elena Serova (soprano) will sing Lyudmila’s cavatina.

The owner of the coloratura soprano Serova will also present a romance based on the poems of the 19th century Russian poetess Evdokia Rostopchina, “The Bird Cherry will Bloom.” The plot of the song is based on a wedding ceremony. Glinka also used ritual songs in his first opera, “A Life for the Tsar.” Baritone Vyacheslav Klimenko will introduce its main character, the peasant Ivan Susanin. The idea for the libretto was suggested to Glinka by Zhukovsky. With the creation of this opera, the composer opened a new page in Russian musical culture.

Glinka, unlike the composers of the 18th century, succeeded in giving universal human content to the idea of ​​Russian national identity in music and melodically expressing the features of the national character.

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