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FULL MESSIAH Caracas 2024 Annelia Hernández, Francelis López, Argenis Salcedo, Raimer Gil

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: LA_SCHOLA  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, essubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

0:00:00 The Messiah
0:02:18 Symphony (allegro moderato)
0:05:54 Comfort ye my people (recitativo)
0:08:42 Every valley shall be exalted (aria)
0:11:42 And the glory of the lord (coro)
0:14:46 Thus saith the lord (recitativo)
0:16:28 But who may abide (aria)
0:20:41 And he shall purify (coro)
0:22:59 Behold a virgin shall conceive (recitativo)
0:23:26 O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (aria y coro)
0:29:09 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (recitativo)
0:31:32 The people that walked in darkness (aria)
0:34:52 For unto us a child is born (coro)
0:38:30 Pifa (movimiento pastoral)
0:41:32 There were shepherds… (recitativo)
0:42:52 Glory to God (Coro)
0:44:42 Rejoice greatly (aria)
0:49:22 Then shall the eyes of the blind opened (recitativo)
0:49:51 He shall feed his flock (dueto)
0:54:45 His yoke is easy (coro)
0:57:27 Behold the lamb of God (coro)
1:00:28 He was despised (aria)
1:09:02 Surely, He hat borne our griefs (coro)
1:11:15 And with his stripes we are healed (coro)
1:13:59 All we like sheeps (coro)
1:17:47 All that see him (recitativo)
1:18:32 He trusted in God (coro)
1:22:26 Thy rebuke hath broken his heart (aria)
1:24:00 Lift up your heads, O ye gates (coro)
1:26:55 Thou art gone up on high (aria)
1:30:18 The lord gave the word (coro)
1:31:29 How beautiful are the feet of them (aria)
1:33:54 Why do the nations so furiously rage (aria)
1:37:10 He that dwelleth in heaven (recitativo)
1:37:28 Thou shall break them (aria)
1:39:24 Hallelujah (coro)
1:44:00 I know that my redeemer liveth (aria)
1:51:17 Behold I tell you a mistery (recitativo)
1:51:54 The trumpet shall sound (aria)
1:57:45 If God be for us, who can be against us?
2:03:18 Worthy is the lamb (coro)
2:06:50 Amen (coro)

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