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FULL LISETTE OROPESA Summer Newsletter 2023

Popular Singers in this Opera Recording

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Lisette Oropesa  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, ensubs, gensubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Hello my friends, and welcome to our Summer 2023 Newsletter!!

This summer I am getting the full sun treatment with beautiful engagements in Savonlinna, Finland, the Arena di Verona in Italy, Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, Águilas, Spain, a masterclass/recital in East Hampton, NY, and Tokyo, Japan.
The most exciting thing for me this summer is the 2 role debuts that I’m making, in the French language repertoire that I love so much! Gounod’s Juliette and Donizetti’s Lucie. I’ve dreamed of singing Juliette for a long time and it’s finally happening, and I couldn’t be happier!
My pianist, Ruben Fernandez-Aguirre and I have planned a fabulous recital program of French/Spanish music that we are presenting in Savonlinna as well as in Águilas, so check the dates below!

Lucie de Lammermoor, the French iteration of Donizetti’s beloved masterpiece, I will be performing in a single concert performance at Aix, alongside amazing colleagues. In between these engagements I’m singing a couple performances of La traviata at the Arena di Verona.
Then I head to East Hampton, New York, for “Belcanto Bootcamp,” to teach a masterclass and sing a recital with their program’s wonderful resident artists. I’m so looking forward to learning from them!
Finally, September brings us back to Tokyo, Japan, with the Teatro dell’opera di Roma, to sing my dear Violetta in 3 performances of La traviata. I am so excited for that amazing trip!

Hope you have a great summer and see you somewhere in the world!

This has been the most rewarding year of my career, I think. I feel like I’m working harder than ever, but also getting better at finding balance in my time off and making time for my needs that are separate from work. So I’m feeling connected with my personal and professional life in a very fulfilling way, practicing gratitude every day, and just working on being in the moment and nowhere else.
I think I still can improve some in my stress management, and hey, I don’t think an opera singer’s life is ever stress-less, but I’m managing it better and we are going in the right direction!
Last year I had been through a pretty tough period where I was feeling frequently overwhelmed, and I knew I’d have to put my priorities in order when it comes to my time, my needs, and the realities of being a musical athlete.

So, this summer I’m giving myself a pat on the back, and hopefully booking a vacation, too!

🎭 Roméo et Juliette
July 01, 05, 12
Olavinlinna Castle
Savonlinna, FI

🎭 Recital
July 09
Olavinlinna Castle
Savonlinna, FI

🎭 Lucie de Lammermoor
July 24
Grand Théâtre de Provence
Aix-en-Provence, 13100

🎭 La traviata
July 14, 27
Arena di Verona
Verona, VR

🎭 Recital
August 06
Auditorio y Palacio de Congresos Infanta Doña Elena
Águilas, Murcia

🎭 Recital
August 12
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Hoie Hall
East Hampton, NY

🎭 Masterclass
August 10
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Hoie Hall
East Hampton, NY

🎭 La traviata
September 13, 16, 18
Tokyo Bunka Kaikan
Tokyo, JP

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