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FULL L’Impresario in angustie (Cimarosa) Rostock 2023 Martin Deckelmann, Theresa Zschunke, Shinho Choi, Josefine Holzhausen

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: hmt Rostock  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

L’impresario in angustie ( The Impresario in a Jam ) is a “ farsa per musica” (musical farce) based on a libretto by Giuseppe Maria Diodati, set to music by Domenico Cimarosa in 1786 and set to music again in 1823 by the 18-year-old Luigi Ricci became. It was first performed at the Teatro Nuovo in Naples in the fall of 1786 , along with another short work by the composer ( Il credulo ), which had already premiered at the same theater in early 1786. L’impresario was later staged in other Italian cities and in Barcelona in 1790 under the title L’impresario rovinato .

Synopsis (original version)
Naples – Room in a hostel. Pier in the harbor. Merlina and Doralba’s room in the hostel. Gallery in Don Crisobolo’s house. Court. Mole.

Don Crisobolo, impresario of a theater, is at the mercy of the whims and slanders of his prima donnas (Dorina and Merlina), who also torment the poet (Don Perizonio) and the musician (Gelindo) so that they create a new work to be put on the stage . The latter, who annexes music from other composers, protests against the noise caused by the ongoing activities. Also contributing to the composer’s suffering is the poet, author of the libretto to be composed, which deals with the inner convulsions of Pyrrhus against the hysterical tendencies of Andromache (“Le internal convulsioni di Pirro contro gli affetti isterici di Andromaca”), using amusing classical quotations . The scene revolves around Don Perizonio and Merlina, who demands a good match from him, but the poet only responds to his requests with playful taunts.

In the second part, two new characters appear after the quintet, Fiordispina and her patron Strabinio, who, however, plays a minor role. Fiordispina also comes into conflict with the other two singers, always demanding the best roles, lavish stage clothes and rich rewards. With the impresario’s sudden bankruptcy, all rivalries end

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