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FULL Le fifre enchanté (Offenbach) Opéra de Barie 2016 Audrey Hostein, Christian Lara, Michel Ballan, Brigitte Farges

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Jean-Marc Choisy  
  • Date Published: 2016  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 3 Audio:3
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Monsieur Robin, a very superstitious being, argues with his wife. He pretends that he has to go visit his friend Alcibiade de la Trombonière but his wife does not believe him because he is wearing his Sunday best: one does not wear a Sunday best to visit a friend. Fortunately, Coraline lets herself be bribed and confirms to Madame that Monsieur’s friend is very ill. Monsieur Robin can join his mistress.

But Femme varies and Coraline then admits to her mistress that her husband bought her. Madame is furious and decides to go see the prosecutor to get a divorce. Phew, no one left in the house.

Rigobert arrives followed by the fifes. So many people in the house: they sing, they joke, but when someone finally knocks on the door, they have to hide quickly. 

Madame Robin has returned and left a message for the prosecutor Popelinet explaining that her husband was away and that she was waiting for him. The latter soon arrives and declares his love for Madame Robin. A caterer then brings a wonderful meal that our lover has ordered. We are going to sit down at the table, .. but Monsieur Robin returns in turn … quickly, he also has to hide.

How will this story unfold with fifes hidden on one side and the prosecutor on the other … perhaps with a little magic?

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