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FULL L’amant jaloux (Gretry) Geneva 2022 David Burkhard, Oscar Esmerode, Pablo Plaza, Héloïse Raemy

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Compagnie Esperluette  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, frsubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

In Cadiz, in the 18th century, the loves of young people are not always a long calm river… Alonze, who is “jealous even of his shadow”, believes his fiancée Léonore to be unfaithful. On the other side, Isabelle is saved from the clutches of her hideous guardian by a charming French soldier, the handsome Florival. And it is neither the stern Lopez nor the thoughtless Jacinte who arranges the affairs of our lovers!

In July 2022, the Compagnie Esperluette invited you to discover a jewel of the classical repertoire: L’Amant jaloux, a comic opera by Liégeois André Grétry, performed for the first time at Versailles in 1778. Halfway between French Baroque and the works of the young Mozart, the work turns out to be magnificent, light and catchy. Although little played these days and therefore very little known, it has delighted all ears!

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