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FULL La storia dell’opera Documentary 2022

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by:  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, itsubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

History of Opera music – milestones, works, composers and main events


The most important stages, the greatest composers and the most significant works. Documentary with great musical excerpts.

00:00 Introduzione
00:25 Gli inizi 1597 – 1700 (Monteverdi, Purcell)
03:27 Tragédie lyrique 1670 – 1750 (Lully, Rameau)
05:54 Opera seria 1700 – 1791 (Handel, Metastasio, Gluck, Mozart)
09:21 Opera buffa 1700 – 1800 (Pergolesi, Cimarosa)
11:03 Singspiel 1776 – 1850 (Mozart, Beethoven, von Weber)
14:36 Opéra Comique 1807 – 1900 (Auber, Donizetti, Massenet, Bizet, Gounod, Offenbach)
19:27 Belcanto 1810 – 1845 (Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini)
24:29 Grand Opéra 1827 – 1873 (Meyerbeer, Auber, Rossini, Verdi)
28:50 Il dramma musicale (Verdi, Wagner) 1842 – 1900 (Verdi, Wagner)
36:00 Il Verismo e Puccini 1890 – 1930 (Mascagni, Leoncavallo, Giordano, Puccini)
43:05 Tardo Romanticismo e Modernismo 1900-1945 (Strauss, Korngold, Berg, Weill, Gershwin)

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