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FULL LA RUTA DE DON QUIJOTE (Rafael Rodríguez Albert) Alicante 2024 Víctor Cruz, Francisco Díaz-Carrillo, Laura León Martínez

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Shlomo Rodríguez  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Ginés de Pasamonte, a thief by trade, goes to an inn to hide from the guards who follow him. The innkeeper, the friar, the girls and muleteers who are there hide him. He mentions that they are following him for having beaten a mad knight. Sancho Panza also arrives asking for help for his master, Don Quixote, and the innkeeper asks Ginés de Pasamonte to leave. Sancho warns the innkeeper and the others that his master is a little crazy and they should not be surprised by his confusion. Don Quixote mistakes the innkeeper and his business for the guard of an enchanted castle, and the rude girls for maidens. Don Quixote saves the innkeeper’s daughter, who wants to throw Don Quixote out, and gives her the bill of expenses, which Don Quixote ignores and leaves in search of new adventures.

It is afternoon and Don Quixote is in the countryside, under some trees, surrounded by goatherds, with whom he shares a meal. He prepares, together with Sancho, to spend the night on the open ground. Don Quixote is saddened and Sancho, seeing three farm girls coming, tells him that she is Dulcinea and two maidens who accompany her. Don Quixote is happy again and declares his love to the false Dulcinea. Later, Don Quixote and Sancho attend the wedding of the rich Camacho and the young Quiteria. Basilio shows up at the party to claim Quiteria’s love and, after a false suicide attempt and the help of Don Quixote, the young people manage to be married.

At the Duke and Duchess’ house, a reception is offered to Don Quixote and Sancho, who are treated like great lords. A comedy is presented in his honour, with Trifaldín as the main character, who tells them the misfortune of the couple formed by Clavijo and Princess Antonomasia, caused by the giant Malambruno. Don Quixote goes to the aid of the couple, accompanied by Sancho, on the horse Clavileño. Both return victorious. With this action Sancho has won the position of governor of Barataria, where he arrives and carries out his work as best he can. Tired of the problems that being a governor entails, he returns to his village in the company of Don Quixote. There, the ingenious gentleman dies.

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