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FULL LA CORONA & IL PARNASO CONFUSO (Gluck) Arezzo 2024 Victoria Brodeur, Isabella Ruano, Bianca Lucas, Malaina Aultman

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

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Information about the Recording
  • Format: DVD
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

La corona (The Crown) is an opera by the composer Christoph Willibald Gluck. It takes the form of an azione teatrale in one act. The Italian-language libretto is by Pietro Metastasio. The opera was intended to celebrate the name day of Emperor Francis I on 4 October 1765 but the Emperor died in August and it remained unperformed until the 20th century. It was written for the four archduchess daughters of the Emperor, like Gluck’s Il Parnaso confuso, premiered earlier that year at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.

Princess Atalanta decides to help the inhabitants of Kalydon to be free from the Calydonian wild boar that haunts the city. However, she hesitates as her sister and a friend want to come along. Prince Meleagro does not want women to be exposed to danger. Atalanta enters the forest and wounds the wild boar so that Meleagro can kill it. He gives her the credit but she insists on his having it. In the end, they decide to give the honour to the hunting goddess Diana.

Il Parnaso confuso (Parnassus in Turmoil) is an opera by the composer Christoph Willibald Gluck. It takes the form of an azione teatrale in one act. The Italian-language libretto is by Pietro Metastasio. The opera premiered on 24 January 1765 at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. All the members of the cast were archduchesses of the Habsburg family and the work was conducted by the future Emperor Leopold II from the harpsichord.

Quoted from Wikipedia

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