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FULL La chanson de Fortunio & Mesdames de la Halle (Offenbach) Porto Alegre 2024

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Theatro São Pedro  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Mesdames de la Halle is a one-act comic operetta and in it Offenbach managed to faithfully portray his characters, with his mastery of humor and the art of pastiche. The plot revolves around a series of romantic intrigues. The soldier Raflafla wants to marry one of the “market ladies”. The women, however, are more interested in a young kitchen helper named Croûte-au-pot.

La chanson de Fortunio is another one-act comic play. With a libretto by one of his main collaborators, the writer Ludovic Halévy, together with Hector Crémieux, the work is inspired by the play The Candelabra (Le chandelier) by Alfred de Musset. The operetta tells the story of Master Fortunio, a mature lawyer and jealous husband of young Laurette.

CAST: La chanson de Fortunio

Robert Willian, (Maître Fortunio)
Anastasia Liàntziris, (Madame Fortunio – Laurette)
Isabelle Dumalakas, (Valentin)
Tiago Costa, (Friquet)
Gianlucca Braghin, (Babet)
Éder Rodrigues, (Guillaume)
Ernesto Borghi, (Landry)
Erika Henriques, (Saturnin)
Laleska Terzetti, (Sylvain)

CAST:  Mesdames de la Halle

Débora Neves, (Ciboulette)
Willian Manoel, (Croute-au-pot)
Ernesto Borghi, (Raflafla)
Gianlucca Braghin, (Commissaire)
Éder Rodrigues, (Mlle Poiretapée)
Cláudio Marques, (Mme Beurrefondu)
Julián Lisnichuk, (Mme Madou)
Isabelle Dumalakas, (La marchande de plaisirs) – days: 06 and 08/06
Anastasia Liàntziris, (La marchande de plaisirs) – days: 05, 07 and 09/06
Érika Henriques, (La marchande de fruits) – days: 06 and 08/06
Laleska Terzetti, (La marchande de fruits) – days: 05, 07 and 09/06
Tiago Costa, (Le marchand d’habits)

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