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FULL KARNEVALET (Avni Mula) Tirana 2023 Alla Solen, Muho Nina, Beka Shpresa, Selimaj Dorina

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: RTSH  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

The operetta “Carnivals” is based on the motifs of Spiro Çomora’s well-known comedy “Carnivals of Korçë”, in which the rotten feudal-bourgeois society is unmasked and put into play along with the anti-popular regime of the time. In the work, at the same time, the resistance and struggle of the working people and the city’s youth against this regime is also reflected. The authors of the operetta, relying on the national civic motives, have managed to give with dynamism and liveliness the atmosphere of people’s efforts emerging from the bosom of the people.



In front of Nikollaq Samarxhiu’s house, the carnivals pass. Loni and Nasta join them. In the one above, Nikollaqi, together with his wife Olimbina, and daughter, Afrovit, returns from an engagement.
As soon as they enter the house, Afroviti starts to cry and complains that he is left unmarried… The parents try to comfort him. Nasta, the maid, looking at the coffee cups, mocks them and. . . announces an upcoming engagement. That’s all it takes to get the names started! Olimbia and Nikollaqi eat among themselves for the work of the professor who could be the future groom. Nikollaqi refuses to give the girl a piano in addition to the cash dowry. . . For this he decides not on the professor, but on the doctor. Nasta, disgusted by the bargains these traders make with feelings, sings of her pure love with Lon.

Preparations are made at Nikollaqi’s house for the doctor to come, Afroviti flies with joy, Nikollaqi comes with a portrait of Napoleon and doesn’t know where to hang it so that he looks as good as possible, while Loni and Nasta make fun of these people who worship money. . . Meanwhile, doctor Xhuvi, the City doctor, arrives. He agrees to marry Afroviti, and even agrees to have the money for the piano deducted from the dowry. With this marriage, he fixes his economic situation, because for months the employees have not been paid due to the crisis. When the doctor leaves, the Prefect comes who is a friend of the house. When he finds out about the engagement with the doctor, he tells them to break it off because he has another son-in-law, Captain Lilo. Nikollaqi, driven by interest, immediately agrees. But Olimbia objects. This is how the fight breaks out. From the party that is made, carnivals also enter the house of Nikollaqi.


In the square in front of Nikollaqi’s house, the carnivals gathered around the piano, which they are bringing to the merchant’s house, have come again. The carnivals, Lon’s friends, mock Nikolag again,
but at the same time they sing and rejoice about Lon’s love with Nasta.
Meanwhile, inside the house, the dinner that Nikollaqi has arranged to announce the engagement has reached its climax. People are half drunk. Nikollaqi also finds an opportunity here to make love with Mr. Andon’s wife. The prefect stands up and starts to give the engagement ring, but is interrupted twice in a row, causing a misunderstanding. The prefect finally announces that the groom is not
the doctor, but Captain Lilua. Confusion. The fight. The doctor ran away cursing. But the evening can’t continue peacefully because at that moment it comes from Delvina. . . the captain’s wife! The carnivals flood again from the street and to the sound of their song the operetta closes.

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