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FULL Joyce DiDonato in Budapest 2013 Drama Queens

Popular Singers in this Opera Recording

Video Recording from: vk     FULL VIDEO     Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: müpa  
  • Date Published: 2011  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: vk     FULL VIDEO

Cesti: Orontea (1656) – Intorno all’idol mio
D. Scarlatti: Tolomeo ed Alessandro (1711) – Sinfonia
Monteverdi: Poppea megkoronázása (1643) – Disprezzata regina
Giacomelli: Merope (1734) – Sposa, son disprezzata
Vivaldi: d-moll („per Pisendel”) versenymű hegedűre és vonószenekarr
Orlandini: Berenice (1725) – Da torbida procella
Hasse: Antonius és Kleopátra (1725) – Morte col fiero aspetto
Händel: Julius Caesar (1724) – Piangero la sorte mia
Händel: Radamisto (1720) – Passacaglia
Porta: Iphigénia Auliszban (1738) – Madre diletta, abbracciami
Gluck: Armide (1777) – Air gracieux, Air sicilien
Kaiser: Lasciami Piangere
Orlandini: Col Versar
Händel: Alessandro (1726) – Brilla nell’alma – részlet

Love, revenge, jealousy, wrath, joy, tenderness, lust for power or authority, responsibility: so many emotions and sensations whirl in the heart of a ruler, even if the monarch in question is also a mother. Majesties and highnesses were an almost constant presence in the operas of the 17th and 18th centuries, and, by presenting a selection of their arias, a skilled performer can bring to life a cavalcade of moods and characters in the concert hall. As one of today’s leading mezzo-sopranos with a voice that has been compared to 24-carat gold, Joyce DiDonato took on this challenge – and with considerable success, winning a Grammy Award for Drama Queens, the record that provides the material for this concert. “For me, this is my most exciting recording project to date,” says the American singer, ”because it is everything I deeply adore about the world of opera: high drama, profound emotion, fearless vocal writing, time-stopping passages, historical significance and real discovery.” In addition to works which are well-known and performed worldwide, the concert will also feature music by composers who are less familiar to audiences today. Accompaniment will be provided by Il Complesso Barocco, a period ensemble that has earned undeniable distinction in the discovery, performance and – on more than one occasion – reintroduction of Baroque operas to modern audiences. The Netherlands-based ensemble, led by the acclaimed Alan Curtis, has been conquering the Italian Baroque repertoire since 1979 – and dazzling audiences with its passionate, and at times revelatory, performances. Presented by: Palace of Arts

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