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FULL Jeanne qui pleure et Jean qui rit (Offenbach) Opéra de Barie 2014 Claire Baudouin, Jean-Marc Choisy, Audrey Hostein, Cyril Fargues

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Jean-marc Choisy  
  • Date Published: 2014  
  • Format: DVD
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Concerning the story and the other characters, here is a little explanation to enlighten you about the book: Jeanne is a sensitive young woman, a miller by profession and in love with Savinien (Audrey Hostein). Our couple would like to get married but Jeanne will only be able to stay at the mill after settling the estate of her uncle, who stipulated in his will that she should marry the best-selling buyer.

Two rough-hewn peasants make their entrance: Father Cabochon (Jean-Marc Choisy) and his son Nicolas (Cyril Fargues) come to buy the mill. They find no one there. Nicolas would like to marry Tapotte, a local girl, but Cabochon, his father, has decided otherwise: he will be a miller, period!

Nicolas who is 24 years old is convinced that he is a minor because according to his father “The years when the apples did not give do not count for the majority”. He must therefore blindly obey this father to whom he owes respect, even if this Jeanne whom he is promised cries all the time and is much less cheerful than Tapotte.

The rest of the Cabochon adventure is very amusing: Jeanne will pretend to be Jean, her younger brother who breaks everything in the mill, Jean will persuade Nicolas that he is of age and set him against his father, Cabochon will dress up as a woman to make Rabajou, another potential buyer, who is none other than Savinien, believe that Jeanne is really not the woman one could dream of…

In the end, the story will end in bags of flour and coal with kicks, sticks. At the end it will be the happiness of youth with two scheduled weddings.

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