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FULL Het pand der goden or The Pawn of the Gods (Helstone) Amsterdam 2024 Judith van Wanroij, Aylin Sezer, Lucas van Lierop, Germán Olvera, Jasper Leever

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Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Concertgebouw  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, othersubs  
  • Video Recording from:     FULL VIDEO

Het pand der goden (1906) is a musico-dramatic work by the Surinamese composer Johannes Nicolaas Helstone (born in 1853 on the Berg en Dal plantation, died in 1927 in Paramaribo). After successful performances in Paramaribo (in 1906) and in any case plans for a performance in Germany, it fell into oblivion. The Concertgebouw Orchestra is happy to bring this cultural heritage back into the spotlight and welcomes everyone to this unique performance conducted by Otto Tausk with vocal contributions by Cappella Amsterdam and soloists.

Johannes Nicolaas Helstone is an important figure in Surinamese cultural history as a musician and writer. He studied composition, piano and organ in Leipzig and achieved success in Berlin, Paris and Vienna. Instead of continuing his international career, he chose to return to his native country to help further develop Surinamese culture.

The Temple of the Gods tells a mythical story: the hero Olindo discovers that he has an older sister, who was kidnapped by the gods after her birth to punish her parents. Olindo vows to find her and undertakes a dangerous journey to the temple of the gods… Will he succeed in bringing back Athlolinda?

Quoted from concertgebouworkest,nl

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