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GLORIA (Cilea) Cagliari 2023 Ramaz Chikviladze, Anastasia Bartoli, Franco Vassallo, Carlo Ventre

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Video Recording from: AMAZON     #ad   Amazon product    Get this Recording

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Dynamic  
  • TV Director: Matteo Ricchetti  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: DVD & BD
  • Quality Video: 5 Audio:5
  • Subtitles: yessubs, ensubs, desubs, frsubs, itsubs, jpsubs  
  • Video Recording from: AMAZON     #ad   Amazon product Get this Recording

Gloria is a tragic opera in three acts by Francesco Cilea with an Italian libretto by Arturo Colautti. A variation on the Romeo and Juliet story and set in 14th century Siena, the libretto is based on Victorien Sardou’s 1874 play La Haine (Hatred). The opera premiered on 15 April 1907 at La Scala conducted by Arturo Toscanini with Solomiya Krushelnytska in the title role. Gloria was a failure at its premiere when it was withdrawn after two performances and fared little better in the 1932 revised version, although there have been two late 20th century revivals. It proved to be Cilea’s last staged opera. In the 43 years following the premiere of Gloria he worked on two or three further operas which were never performed and continued to compose chamber and orchestral music.

Place: Siena Time: the 14th century
Act 1
Siena in the 14th century depicted by Ambrogio Lorenzetti
In celebration of a new fountain in Siena’s main square, the Guelphs, who currently hold the city, declare a temporary truce with the exiled Ghibellines and allow them to enter Siena for the festivities on condition that they come unarmed and leave the city at sunset. A chorus of young women sings the praises of the fountain, “O! Puri marmi” (Oh! Pure marble). Lionetto de’ Ricci, one of the exiles, and Gloria, the daughter of Guelph nobleman Aquilante de’ Bardi, are attracted to each other when she gives him water to drink from the fountain. Gloria sings “Amore, amor! Fonte muta” (Love, love! Silent fountain). Her brother Bardo, demands to know the exile’s name. Lionetto recounts the story of his family, “Storia ho di sangue” (My story is one of blood), and Aquilante realises that he the son of the nobleman who had previously surrendered Montalcino to the Ghibellines. At sunset Lionetto refuses to leave the city unless he can take Gloria with him as his bride. In the midst of angry protests from Aquilante, Bardo, and the other Guelph noblemen, Lionetto’s cloak falls away, revealing not only that he is armed but is also a famous condottiere of the Ghibelline forces known as “Il Fortebrando”. Lionetto’s men, who had also concealed their swords, come to their captain’s aid. They and Lionetto make their escape from Siena taking Gloria with them.

Act 2
Outside the walls of Siena, Lionetto and the Ghibelline forces continue their siege of the city. Gloria is being held in one of his chambers under the watch of a Sienese woman. The woman urges her to accept Lionetto as her husband which would bring about peace between the two factions and prevent the destruction of Siena, “Prigioniera d’amor” (Prisoner of love). Gloria is torn between her love for Lionetto and loyalty to her father and the people of Siena, “O mia cuna fiorita” (O my flowered cradle). Gloria’s brother Bardo enters her chambers in disguise and berates her for betraying her people and causing the death of their father who has just been killed defending Siena. She tells Bardo that she plans to marry Lionetto as a sacrifice to end the siege, but he demands that she kill him. Terrified of blood, she refuses to take Bardo’s proffered dagger but promises to poison Lionetto instead. Bardo sings of his admiration for her, “O mia dolce sorella” (O my sweet sister), and departs. Gloria sings a prayer to the Virgin Mary, “Vergine santa” (Blessed Virgin). After a musical interlude, Lionetto returns from the battle. He kneels before Gloria and tells her that out of love for her he has ended the siege, “Pur dolente son io” (Though I grieve). She attempts to drink the poison herself rather than kill him. However, he knocks the poisoned wine to floor, and she openly declares her love for him.

Act 3
Gloria and Lionetto’s wedding is taking place in her family’s chapel with her father’s tomb in the background. The bishop and choir sing a Magnificat. After the ceremony, Lionetto embraces Bardo as a sign of peace. Bardo draws a dagger from beneath his cloak and stabs Lionetto, mortally wounding him. Bardo then tries to force Gloria from the chapel, but beside herself with grief, she refuses to leave. The sounds of battle are heard, and Bardo rushes outside with his men. Gloria and Lionetto are now alone and bid farewell to each other as he lies dying, “Gloria, ove sei?” (Gloria, where are you?) When Lionetto dies, Gloria grabs the dagger which had killed him, stabs herself to death, and falls on his body.

Quoted from Wikipedia

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