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FULL GIRONDINES (Sarah Melnick) Wilmington DE 2022 Kirsten C. Kunkle, Ashley Becker, Marisa Robinson

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Sarah Van Sciver   
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

“Girondines” shares six French Revolution women’s interconnected stories. Three are guillotined: radical murderess Charlotte Corday, moderate feminist writer Madame Manon Roland, and radical feminist writer Olympe de Gouges. Three survive political upheaval: prolific portrait-painter Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun; political theorist Madame Germaine de Staël; and inventive chemist Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze.

Chamber opera for six voices, piano, electronics, cello, and violin.

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