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FULL FESTIVAL OUDE MUSICK Bomba Flamenca Utrecht 2023 Amélie Raison, Axelle Verner, Edouard Monjanel, René Ramos-Premier

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: EMTV  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

In 1558, Emperor Emeritus Charles V staged a mock ceremony for his own funeral. Delusions of grandeur of a power-hungry, or control-compulsion of a perfectionist? It is certain that the exercise came just in time: the monarch died two weeks later. The intriguing fact of a requiem rehearsal gave artist in residence Simon-Pierre Bestion the idea of ​​creating an imaginary requiem, with medieval songs and Renaissance polyphony by Gombert , Crecquillon , de Morales and de Orto , among others .

‘Repertoire that I just love,’ says Bestion , who with four soloists, choir and orchestra puts in the necessary pomp and circumstance . With a light creation by stained glass artist Marianne Pelcerf as a visual trigger, Bomba Flamenca becomes an evocation of (pre-)Renaissance Spain.

Anonymous 12th century
Congaudeant catholici
(from: Codex Calixtinus, 12th century)

Clément Janequin 1485-after 1558
La Guerre (fragment)
Mateo Flecha, ‘el Viejo’ ?1481-?1553
La Bomba (fragment)

Pierre de Manchicourt ca. 1510-1564
(from: Requiem)

Luys de Narváez fl. 1526-49
Mille regres instrumental
(from: El tercero libro del Delphin de musica, Valladolid 1538)

Nicolas Gombert ca. 1495-ca. 1560
Musae Jovis (in memoriam Josquin Desprez)

Traditional Arabo-Andalusian
Nawa Assar – Muwash’shah

Juan del Encina 1468-1529/30
Una sañosa porIía
(from: Cancionero de Palacio, late 15th century)

Anonymous 14th century
Ad mortem festinamus
(from: Llibre vermell de Montserrat, late 14th century)

Thomas Crecquillon ca. 1505-1557
(from: Lamentationes Hieremiae prophetae)

Traditional Arabo- Andalusian
Wavy step – In love with a gazelle
Traditional Sephardic
Ir me kero madre a Yerushalaiym

Anonymous 12th century
Dum esset salvator in monte
(from: Codex Calixtinus)

Pedro de Escobar ca. 1465-after 1535
(from: Requiem)

Marbrianus de Orto ca .1460-1529
(from: Lamentationes Hieremiae prophetae)

Anonymous 13th century
Tod’ aquel que pola Virgen
(from: Cantigas de Santa Maria)

Mateo Flecha, ‘el Viejo’
El Fuego

Cristóbal de Morales
Parce mihi, Domine
(from: Officium defunctorum)

Antonio de Cabezón ca. 1510-1566
Magnificat primi toni

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