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FULL Éva Marton International Singing Competition Grand Finale Budapest 2024

Popular Singers in this Opera Recording

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Éva Marton International Singing Competition  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO


DAMIAN, Mihai: Leoncavallo: Si può?… Si può?… – Tonio’s aria from Pagliacci

HIPPIUS, Zoe: Bellini: Ah! non credea mirarti… Ah! non giunge uman pensiero – Aminaʼs arias from La Sonnambula

KIM Hyerim: Donizetti: Ah! tardai troppo… O luce di quest’anima – Linda’s recitative and aria from Linda di Chamounix

KIM Jungrae Noah: Tchaikovsky: Ya vas lyublyu – Yeletsky’s aria from The Queen of Spades

KIM Seok Jun: Verdi: Studia il passo, o mio figlio… Come dal ciel precipita – Banco’s recitative and aria from Macbeth

KOSHKINBAYEV, Dinmukhamed: Giordano: Nemico della Patria?!… Un dì mʼera di gioia – Gérard’s recitative and aria from Andrea Chénier

KULAGINA, Elizaveta: Offenbach: Elle a fui, la tourterelle – Antonia’s aria from Les contes d’Hoffmann

PARK Jihoon: Gounod: Salut! demeure chaste et pure – Faust’s cavatina from Faust

THANAPAT Pete: Rossini: La calunnia è un venticello – Don Basilio’s aria from Il barbiere di Siviglia

WU Hongni: Rossini: Cruda sorte! Amor tiranno! – Isabella’s cavatina from L’italiana in Algeri

YEO Yeeun: Verdi: È strano! è strano!… Ah, fors’è lui… Sempre libera – Violetta’s recitative and aria from La traviata

ZOTOVA, Alexandra: Puccini: Quando me’n vo’ soletta per la via – Musetta’s waltz from La bohème


DAMIAN, Mihai: Puccini: Si corre dal notaio – Gianni Schicchi’s aria from Gianni Schicchi

HIPPIUS, Zoe: Rimsky-Korsakov: Ivan Sergieich, jochesh v sad… Ah posmotri: kakoy zhe kolokol’chik? – Marfa’s recitative and aria from The Tsar’s Bride

KIM Hyerim: Mozart: O zittre nicht, mein lieber Sohn… Zum Leiden bin ich auserkoren – the Queen of the Night’s recitative and aria from Die Zauberflöte

KIM Jungrae Noah: Mozart: Hai già vinta la causa!… Vedrò, mentr’io sospiro – Count Almaviva’s recitative and aria from Le nozze di Figaro

KIM Seok Jun: Ponchielli: Sì, morir ella de’!… Ombre di mia prosapia – Alvise’s recitative and aria from La Gioconda

KOSHKINBAYEV, Dinmukhamed: Tchaikovsky: Vy mne pisali… Kogda by zhizn domashnim krugom – Onegin’s recitative and aria from Eugene Onegin

KULAGINA, Elizaveta: Stravinsky: No word from Tom… I go to him! – Anne’s recitative and aria from The Rake’s Progress

PARK Jihoon: Puccini: Nessun dorma – Calaf’s aria from Turandot

THANAPAT Pete: Wagner: Wie Todesahnung… O du, mein holder Abendstern – Wolfram’s recitative and Song to the Evening Star from Tannhäuser

WU Hongni: Händel: Crude furie degli orridi abissi – Serse’s aria from Serse

YEO Yeeun: Donizetti: Il dolce suono – Lucia’s aria from Lucia di Lammermoor

ZOTOVA, Alexandra: Donizetti: Prendi, per me sei libero – Adina’s aria from L’elisir d’amore

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