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FULL Die Reise (Barraqué) Vienna 2017 sirene Operntheater

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

DIE REISE tells of a journey that is only dreamed and never embarked upon. We suspect that we would be smart and wise at the destination of our journey, in solidarity and full of love, but there are so many things that hinder us: the good mother, the dark fear, the familiar home, the abandonment. We fail. We encounter unreasonable demands. And everyone knows more about us than we do: the visit that closes all doors for us, the doctor who hits the wounds, the floor that disappears, death. Our ship does a mighty sound, but it never sets off, stuck in the asphalt like we hikers.
Helga Utz

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