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FULL Der Räuber Hotzenplotz (Schwab) Stuttgart 2023 Franz Hawlata, Maria Theresa Ullrich, Elliott Carlton Hines

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Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Staatsoper Stuttgart  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, desubs, gensubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Quote from Staatsoper Stuttgart:
It all begins when the robber Hotzenplotz steals grandmother’s new coffee grinder. At the suggestion of Sergeant Dimpflmoser – “The police must be helped!” – Kasperl and Seppel decide to take part in the search themselves. However, Hotzenplotz finds out about the two, lures them into a trap in two different ways and takes them prisoner. He sells Kasperl to the great and evil magician Petrosilius Zwackelmann – wait a minute: or is he selling Seppel? As a precaution, the two had swapped caps and hats, causing a great deal of confusion. In any case, Kasperl has to peel huge amounts of potatoes at Zwackelmann’s, because the great magician hasn’t found the right magic spell for it yet. When he leaves his castle for a short time, Kasperl discovers the unfortunate toad Amaryllis in the castle cellar: an enchanted fairy who tells him how he can outwit the magician, leave the castle and find the fairy herb on the Hohe Heide, with which she can break the evil spell of the mage could break. Kasperl actually manages to escape: he finds the magical herb and brings it back to the castle cellar. In the meantime, the disguise of the two boys has been blown and Zwackelmann, out of anger, turns Hotzenplotz into a bullfinch. Kasperl just manages to touch Amaryllis with the fairy herb, which promptly regains its magical powers and ends Zwackelmann’s evil magic. As a thank you, she gives Kasperl a wishing ring, which Kasperl and Seppel use to bring the story to a happy ending: the two of them not only take Hotzenplotz to the police station in Gimpel form, but also bring the coffee grinder back to grandmother. All’s well that ends well! And finally there is plum cake for everyone.

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