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FULL Cuitlahuatzin (Samuel Zyman) Iztapalapa 2022

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: CULTURA IZTAPALAPA  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Unknown
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, essubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Who was Cuitláhuac?

Cuitláhuac belonged to the Mexica ruling family, he was the son of Axayácatl, the Huey tlahtoani tenochca, who was also the father of Moctezuma II or Xocoyotzin; therefore he was the brother of Moctezuma.

When the conquistadors arrived, Cuitláhuac ruled Iztapalapa, which at that time was one of the most important cities in the Colhua-Mexica area, along with Mexicaltzingo, Culhuacán and Huitzilopochco, which we know today as Churubusco.

The great world premiere of the Cantata Epic Cuitlahuatzin arrives, a magnificent opera show in Nahuatl about the life of Cuitláhuac, warrior, tlahtoani of Iztapalapa and Mexico Tenochtitlán, symbol of the struggle of the Mexica people and of freedom.

An initiative of the Iztapalapa Mayor’s Office, created with the script by Samuel Máynez, the music by Samuel Zyman, the Nahuatl translation by Patrick Johansson; under the stage direction of Ragnar Conde and the stage movement of Compañía Danza Visual; with live music from the Carlos Chávez School Orchestra and the Metropolitan Camerata Orchestra under the outstanding direction of Gisèle Ben-Dor.

More than 150 artists on stage will recreate passages from the life of the only hero who defeated the Spanish during the Conquest on that victorious night of June 30, 1520.

An unprecedented staging where there will be singing, theater, dance, multimedia recreations and music where the pre-Hispanic groups Tribu and Yodoquinsi and the Cantus Hominum Choral Society also participate.

At 502 years, it is necessary to understand and value the legacy of this character for the history of our country. This work is a tribute and responds to the need to fully understand who Cuitláhuac was and how he influenced the history of our country through his different facets: as a politician, warrior, leader and visionary at that time.

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