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FULL Coloratura, Mrs Jenkins and her pianist Movie France 2024 Agnès Bove

Video Recording from: France TV     FULL VIDEO     Qries
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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: France TV  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: France TV     FULL VIDEO
  • STREAM IT from Vimeo

New York, 1964. At the piano of a trendy jazz club, Cosme McMoon, overcome with nostalgia, recalls the twelve years of his singular collaboration with the singer Florence Foster Jenkins.
A wealthy American heiress in the 1930s, Florence Foster Jenkins prides herself on lyrical art, improvising as a coloratura soprano and inflicting on the most famous arias a formidable treatment through her falsetto and rhythmic fantasies. However, she becomes incredibly popular through improbable recitals and recordings, without realizing that her success is not due to her fantasized talent but to the laughter that her falsetto and exuberance provoke.
From their meeting to the last concert at Carnegie Hall, Coloratura, Mrs Jenkins and her pianist invites us to share the hilarious and moving destiny of two extraordinary characters.

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