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FULL CHAVES (Chwojnik) Argentina 2023

Video Recording from: Vimeo     FULL VIDEO     Qries

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: 321musica-Gabriel Chwojnik  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: Vimeo     FULL VIDEO

In Mallea‘s more recent novel, Chaves, the author again incorporates in a character his idea of human isolation and the futility of words in overcoming that state. His repeated failure to communicate encloses Chaves in self-chosen silence; and thus his final situation is, like Ágata‘s, the natural outcome of his previous efforts. His silence, however, does not deny the possibility of a communication more profound than that of words; in fact, the power of Chaves‘ personality is increased by his withdrawal from the superficial, as is shown in his ability to calm and control the hysterical wife of his landlord. Since Chaves is presented as a simple character, perhaps even more simple than Ágata Cruz, he does not understand the implications of his life until he reaches the crisis of his wife’s death. Thus Mallea refrains from commentary on the events of his character’s existence, allowing them to speak simply and effectively for themselves.

Chaves probably has greater physical reality than any of Mallea‘s previous creations: «… el recién llegado era alto y cobrizo, de cara escuálida y regular, de pelo negro y labios anchos y quietos. El recién llegado parecía una estatua, inmóvil» (p. 12). The details of Chaves’ appearance, in their commonness, seem to describe the «Juan Argentino», the man of the people, who concerns Martín Tregua in La bahía de silencio, while the second sentence introduces the immobility and apparent deadness of Mallea‘s other isolated characters. Chaves‘ silence when he is with his fellow workers emphasizes his physical being, particularly his tallness. Even in his youth he was a «caminador de calles» (p. 31), and later takes long walks with his wife. His emotion finds expression in the physical action of running, above all in his frantic search for a toy for his dying daughter. When he is surrounded by a hostile group of workers, Chaves pushes aside his attackers; and the official who comes to his rescue points out to the others the strength of Chaves‘ body and arms (p. 100). And, unlike many of Mallea‘s creations, Chaves has a well-defined job -physical labor in a sawmill. These details heighten the physical reality of the character and complement the logical development of his isolation.
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