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FULL Butterfly Room Service Opéra collaboratif Royaumont 2024 Maud Bessard-Morandas, Lila Dufy, Gabriel-Ange Brusson, Guillaume Ribler, Julien Ségol

Video Recording from: VIMEO     FULL VIDEO     Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Royaumont  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: VIMEO     FULL VIDEO

“There are fertile encounters that are worth as many dawns.”
René Char, letter to Albert Camus

Today, thinking about opera means thinking about the collective: if we integrate the social perspective into the artistic aim, we will be forced to admire the beautiful machine that allows the pooling of skills as diverse as those of a wigmaker, an opera singer, an administrator, a shoemaker, a composer and many others… not to mention the expected harmony, beyond their sometimes perilous implementation on stage, of the musical forces, from the choir to the soloist, from the orchestra to the wings.

A total art, opera is also a social art: it calls for collaboration, sharing. Hence these storms, these conflicts that testify to the intensity of convictions. Hence also these moments of grace of which the genre has the specialty, and perhaps the monopoly.

Opera today also means accepting the forces that inhabit a young generation, sensitive to political, economic, environmental tensions, thirsty for justice, engaged in its art through sharing, exchange, construction in collaboration and mutual respect. A generation that, no, does not believe that the opera genre is dead, or only concerns a refractory fraction of the public; but that is passionate about it, and wants to give it a new voice in a new context, capable of re-examining the world, once again. Butterfly Room Service is a carte blanche given to it. Music, staging, dramaturgy and interpretation are produced by all the young talents gathered. An unprecedented collective creation experience, it dreams of being this fertile meeting.

Jean-Philippe Wurtz

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