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FULL Bird Songs of Opera Portland OR 2023 Renegade Opera

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Renegade Opera  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Trade your opera glasses for binoculars at Bird Songs of Opera, an outdoor recital that reimagines iconic opera arias as the songs of Oregon birds! Stroll the trails of the beautiful Leach Botanical Garden, keeping your ears open for strains of Puccini, Mozart and Bizet and your eyes peeled for flashes of glamorous plumage. This production is a delight for bird watchers and opera lovers of all ages.  Afternoon garden performances are followed by indoor ADA accessible performances at Buckley Center Auditorium at University of Portland.

Birder and Accordionist / Maeve Stier

Chickadee / Erica Neufeld

Anna’s Hummingbird / Joannah Ball

Steller’s Jay / Mahsheed Massarat

Northern Flicker / Madeline Ross

Great Horned Owl / Nick Tibbs-Toto

Mourning Dove / Abigail Krawson


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