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FULL Basque Pictures (Jesús Guridi) & Spiritual Concert (José Peris) El Escorial 2018 Javier Franco

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: RTVE  
  • Date Published: 2018  
  • Format: Broadcast
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

The concert begins with Jesús Guridi’s Basque Pictures , performed by the RTVE Symphony Orchestra and Choir. The chronology of the Basque paintings is imprecise; it is believed that their composition dates back to 1922 or perhaps a little earlier. The presence of folklore motifs is evident, with the action taking place in Ondarroa, on the beach, in front of the sea, the lighthouse and the stairs to the pier.

The relevance of the Spiritual Concert , the work that follows, reflects a significant detail: the unanimous award of the 1965 National Music Prize, convened by the Ministry of National Education through a jury chaired by Óscar Esplá. Curiously, nine years passed until its premiere. It was performed by the RTVE Orchestra, in the Auditorium of the Palacio de Congresos in Madrid, on April 6, 1974, conducted by Enrique García Asensio and with the presence of the baritone Antonio Blancas in the solo role. Since then, this same orchestra has performed the work on at least four occasions, breaking the habit, still very much alive, of abandoning Spanish and contemporary works once heard. This time we will have Javier Franco as baritone.

In the second part of the concert, the Symphony Orchestra will perform Symphony no. 4 in E Flat major “Romantic” , a symphony whose guiding theme is the concept of medieval romance, being dedicated to the figure of Prince Constantine of Hohenhole. It should be noted that the fourth symphony is one of Bruckner’s orchestral works that underwent the most modifications. The original version was composed between January and November 1874, and premiered in Liz, in September 1875. From then on, there were up to nine different versions of the score. The one that is usually played and that you can enjoy in this concert is dated between 1878 and 1880. It was premiered in Vienna on February 20, 1881, under the direction of Hans Richter and is dedicated to Prince Constantine of Hohenhole.


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